Love the post and Lucille and Ethel in the candy factory. They sum up how I feel many days.

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Zelly! Don't scare us like that and leave us hanging....of course, I'm guessing you've scared yourself more...know that I'll do whatever to help, not that I am very helpful from this distance, but I'm always here to listen. And read your book and tell you how wonderful it is.

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You are a true 🎁 Spoiler Alert: After a few days of reconciling that I’d have to live with my blunder, and rationalizing how it was okay—PM swooped in and saved the day 🙌

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Really looking forward to reading your book!

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🤗 I miss our group!!

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"Both stories take a deep dive into how the choices our mothers or grandmothers made affect future generations." Now THIS is a fantastic topic! Dare I say our grandmothers were more likely to read "the standardized manual" more than our mothers - my grandmother sure did. You know, "the manual," the one that sits at the far end of our bookshelves collecting dust, the black leather bound one with the words "Holy Bible" embossed on its spine - the best-selling book of all time that has ALL THE ANSWERS about raising kids, building and protecting our marriages, relationships with other neighbors and other countries, THAT manual. We all would do a much better job of "affecting future generations" if we'd spend a little time with that book! My grandmother affected me, my wife and I affected our kids, and son-of-a-gun, our kids are affecting their kids. That doesn't mean we all won't have problems. It just means when we DO have problems we know where to go to find the answers. May we all "deep dive" into that as well as Zelly's books!

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